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Auricular Therapy for Addiction and Smoking

$495 Non Smoking Program, $75 Additional Sessions

Woman in blue plaid shirt holding broken cigarette in front of her

Embark on your journey to becoming a non-smoker with Auricular Electric Acupuncture, a specialized therapy designed to combat addiction and smoking cessation. This innovative approach targets specific points on the ear to stimulate the release of endorphins and promote relaxation, helping to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with nicotine dependence. Please note that patients under 18 must have a parent present during therapy sessions, ensuring a supportive environment for effective treatment. Take the first step towards a smoke-free life and reclaim your health and well-being with Auricular Therapy for Addiction and Smoking.

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Quit Smoking Today!

Congratulations! If you're reading this, you are on your way to kicking the habit and becoming smoke-free and healthier. Most experts agree that quitting smoking is the single most important thing you can do for your health. There is plenty of incentive to quit, but it isn't necessarily easy. The good news is that ETPS Therapy has helped millions of people to overcome their addictions and stay smoke-free.

Some of the largest stumbling blocks to becoming smoke-free are the stress, anxiety, and depression associated with quitting. Fortunately, Auricular ETPS Therapy is quite successful at calming the nervous system and relaxing the mind, reducing anxiety, and alleviating depressive feelings. Auricular ETPS is also an effective tool to enable one to quit smoking by minimizing cravings and strengthening will power. Auricular ETPS Therapy intercepts messages sent by the brain to the body that demand more nicotine, thereby disrupting the addictive process. It can eliminate most cravings, but not the habit. Generally the treatment reduces cravings from 10 plus to only 2-3 a day. It is your responsibility to make it through those few cravings.

Auricular ETPS Therapy can work if you are ready to quit and willing to commit to the process, and it has helped many people successfully quit smoking. The Treatment Program consists of 8 visits, two per week, or as needed. Treatment can also be condensed to one week, with a treatment every day.

Auricular ETPS Therapy works best if you have begun to detox, meaning you have refrained from smoking for at least a few hours before the treatment, and preferably longer. Cutting back to one cigarette a day for two weeks before her appointment helped one of our clients become a superstar non-smoker with only one treatment.

Here are some tips that will help with your treatment:

  1. Have a Support Person - The decision to stop smoking can elicit uncomfortable emotions. Ask someone who is available to you in the next few weeks to act as a sounding board and provide encouragement when needed.
  2. Affirmation - An affirmation is a positive statement repeated often to create desired changes in your life. Repeating the affirmation helps not only to remind you why you are no longer smoking but imprints a new image of health so that the body can then produce health. Examples: "I am a non-smoker." "I make healthy choices in my life." "I radiate divine health." "My body is my temple and it is pristine and beautiful."
  3. Setting Boundaries - Set up contracts with other smokers to refrain from smoking in your presence. This includes spouses. When possible, stay away from smokers until you feel more confident with your non-smoking health status.
  4. Drink water - Research shows that dryness causes cravings. Sip water frequently throughout the day.
  5. Refrain or reduce your caffeine, coffee and soda intake - Research shows that caffeine causes cravings and dehydrates the body. If you are going to drink caffeinated beverages, make sure you also sip water throughout the day as well.
  6. Food choices - Eat a lot of carrots, celery and other vegetables throughout the next few days. Candy and sugary snacks upset blood sugar level, which can aggravate smoking-withdrawal symptoms. Sugar substitutes such as NutraSweet, Equal or Splenda are sweeter than sugar and cause further sugar cravings.
  7. Managing cravings - Cravings feel like they will last forever, but they actually fade in a few minutes. Plan what you will do during a craving. Examples: repeat your affirmation; breathe deeply; meditate or pray; walk to another place; sing a song; dance; call your support person.

Call for a Free Consultation: 304-466-1767


After the initial six treatments, the focus becomes maintenance and overall wellness. We include two follow-up treatments to maximize your health, provide support and keep your body in harmonious balance.

Relapse Planning

No one expects a person to quit drinking alcohol by attending a few AA meetings. Quitting smoking is only the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of triggers that can cause relapse, and relapse can oftentimes be part of the process. Cigarettes can act as a shield to insulate a person from uncomfortable feelings and situations. A new nonsmoker can feel vulnerable and confused when trying to handle a stressful situation, so having a plan of action ahead of time can be a lifesaver

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